Resources for Parents

The TAMUS Programme for Parents aims to equip parents with essential skills and tools to foster positive mental health within their families. Through comprehensive training modules, parents will learn to understand mental health dynamics, facilitate family learning, and use the TAMUS toolkit effectively.


The programme workshops include interactive sessions on communication strategies and creative methods to encourage open dialogue within the family.

Through the Programme for Parents, you can gain practical techniques to support your child’s mental well-being and create a nurturing, mentally healthy home environment.

This Programme for Parents is divided into three modules, as follows:

Module 1

Introduction to Mental Health in Families. This module helps parents to understand and support positive mental health in their families. This module covers topics including understanding youth mental health; signs and symptoms of mental ill-health; tips to maintain positive mental health; understanding mental health as we age.

Module 2

Facilitating Family Learning and using the TAMUS Toolkit. This module addresses the following topics: pedagogic skills for parents in a family learning context; using the TAMUS Family Learning Toolkit in a family setting; supporting family members with different learning needs.

Module 3

Using creative and artistic to encourage communication in families. This module introduces parents to some creative and artistic practices that they can use to encourage communication in their families.

To access the learning content for these modules for parents, please view the handbook below. ↓

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2022-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000085693
