Resources for Seniors

Audio books

The TAMUS Audiobooks for senior adult learners and grandparents, focus on various aspects of mental health. Covering topics such as;
• Understanding mental health
• Recognising signs and symptoms of mental ill-health in older adults
• Positive habits
• Protecting mental health as we age
• Overcoming loneliness
• The effects of mental ill health on emotional and physical well-being
• Diet and nutrition
• Tips for active aging
These audiobooks aim to provide a rich source of information and support for senior learners. Accompanying the audiobooks are self-help activities to further enhance the learning experience. These resources are designed to facilitate discussions and promote mental well-being among older generations, addressing the unique challenges they may face. The audiobooks are also complemented by a concise 3-page handbook, offering guidance for parents on how to effectively utilise these materials in the family learning environment.

Audio book handbook

The audiobooks are complemented by a concise 3-page handbook, offering guidance for parents on how to effectively utilise these materials in the family learning environment.



The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2022-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000085693
